Lecture 4 Interactive Views

This lecture discusses how to use Views to support user interaction and dynamic content, building on the previous lecture as while drawing on concepts introduced in the Threads and HTTP Requests Appendix.

This lecture references code found at https://github.com/info448-s17/lecture04-inputs-lists.

4.1 Inputs

The previous lecture discussed Views and ViewGroups (Layouts), and introduced some basic Views such as TextView, ImageView, and Button.

A Button is an example of an Input Control. These are simple (single-purpose; not necessarily lacking complexity) widgets that allow for user input. There are many such widgets in addition to Button, mostly found in the android.widget package. Many correspond to HTML <input> elements, but Android provided additional widgets at well.

Launch the lecture code’s MainActivity with a content View of R.id.input_control_layout to see an example of many widgets (as well as a demonstration of a more complex layout!). These widgets include:

  • Button, a widget that affords clicking. Buttons can display text, images or both.
  • EditText, a widget for user text entry. Note that you can use the android:inputType property to specify the type of the input similar to an HTML <input>.
  • Checkbox, a widget for selecting an on-off state
  • RadioButton, a widget for selecting from a set of choices. Put RadioButton elements inside a RadioGroup element to make the buttons mutually exclusive.
  • ToggleButton, another widget for selecting an on-off state.
  • Switch, yet another widget for selecting an on-off state. This is just a ToggleButton with a slider UI. It was introduced in API 14 and is the “modern” way of supporting on-off input.
  • Spinner, a widget for picking from an array of choices, similar to a drop-down menu. Note that you should define the choices as a resource (e.g., in strrings.xml).
  • Pickers: a compound control around some specific input (dates, times, etc). These are typically used in pop-up dialogs, which will be discussed in a future lecture.
  • …and more! See the android.widget package for further options.

All these input controls basically work the same way: you define (instantiate) them in the layout resource, then access them in Java in order to define interaction behavior.

There are two ways of interacting with controls (and Views in general) from the Java code:

  1. Calling methods on the View to manipulate it. This represents “outside to inside” communication (with respect to the View).
  2. Listening for events produced by the View and responding to then. This represents “inside to outside” communication (with respect to the View).

An example of the second, event-driven approach was introduced in Lecture 2. This involved registering a listener for the event (after acquiring a reference to the View with findViewById()) and then specifying a callback method (by instantiating the Listener interface) that wiould be “called back to” when the event occurs.

  • It is also possible to specify the callback method in the XML resource itself by using e.g., the android:onClick attribute. This value of this attribute should be the name of the callback method: It is also possible to

        android:onClick="handleButtonClick" />

    The callback method is declared in the Java code as taking in a View parameter (which will be a reference to whatever View caused the event to occur) and returning void:

    public void handleButtonClick(View view) { }
  • We will utilize a mix of both of these strategies (defining callbacks in both the Java and the XML) in this class.

    Author’s Opinion: It is arguable about which approach is “better”. Specifying the callback method in the Java code helps keep the appearance and behavior separate, and avoids introducing hidden dependencies for resources (the Activity must provide the required callback). However, as buttons are made to be pressed, it isn’t unreasonable to give a “name” in the XML resource as to what the button will do, especially as the corresponding Java method may just be a “launcher” method that calls something else. Specifying the callback in the XML resource may often seem faster and easier, and we will use whichever option best supports clarity of our code.

Event callbacks are used to respond to all kind of input control widgets. CheckBoxes use an onClick callback, ToggleButtons use onCheckedChanged, etc. Other common events can be found in the View documentation, and are handled via listeners such as OnDragListener (for drags), OnHoverListener (for “hover” events), OnKeyListener (for when user types), or OnLayoutChangeListener (for when layout changes display).

In addition to listening for events, it is possible to call methods directly on referenced Views to access their state. In addition to generic View methods such as isVisible() or hasFocus(), it is possible to inquire directly about the state of the input provided. For example, the isChecked() method returns whether or not a checkbox is ticked.

This is also a good way of getting access to inputted content from the Java Code. For example, call getText() on an EditText control in order to fetch the contents of that View.

  • For practice, try to log out the contents of the included EditText control when the Button is pressed!

Between listening for events and querying for state, we can fully interact with input controls. Check the official documentation for more details on how to use specific individual widgets.

4.2 ListViews and Adapters

The remainder of the lecture utilizes the list_layout Layout in the lecture code. Modify MainActivity so that it uses this resource as its viewContent.

Having covered basic controls, this section will now look at some more advanced interactive Views. In particular, it will discuss how to utilize a ListView13, which is a ViewGroup that displays a scrollable list of items! A ListView is basically a LinearLayout inside of a ScrollView (which is a ViewGroup that can be scrolled). Each element within the LinearLayout is another View (usually a Layout) representing a particular item in a list.

But the ListView does extra work beyond just nesting Views: it keeps track of what items are already displayed on the screen, inflating only the visible items (plus a few extra on the top and bottom as buffers). Then as the user scrolls, the ListView takes the disappearing views and recycles them (altering their content, but not reinflating from scratch) in order to reuse them for the new items that appear. This lets it save memory, provide better performance, and overall work more smoothly. See this tutorial for diagrams and further explanation of this recycling behavior.

  • Note that a more advanced and flexible version of this behavior is offered by the RecyclerView. See also this guide for more details.

The ListView control uses a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. This is a deisgn pattern common to UI systems which organizes programs into three parts:

  1. The Model, which is the data or information in the system
  2. The View, which is the display or representation of that data
  3. The Controller, which acts as an intermediary between the Model and View and hooks them together.

The MVC pattern can be found all over Android. At a high level, the resources provide models and views (separately), while the Java Activities act as controllers.

  • Fun fact: The Model-View-Controller pattern was originally developed as part of the Smalltalk language, which was the first Object-Oriented language!

Thus in order to utilize a ListView, we’ll have some data to be displayed (the model), the views (Layouts) to be shown, and the ListView itself will connect these together act as the controller. Specifically, the ListView is a subclass of AdapterView, which is a View backed by a data source—the AdapterView exists to hook the View and the data together (a controller!)

  • There are other AdapterViews as well. For example, GridView works exactly the same way as a ListView, but lays out items in a scrollable grid rather than a scrollable list.

In order to use a ListView, we need to get the pieces in place:

  1. First we specify the model: some raw data. We will start with a simple String[], filling it with placeholder data:

    String[] data = new String[99];
    for(int i=99; i>0; i--){
        data[99-i] = i+ " bottles of beer on the wall";

    While we could define this data as an XML resource, we’ll create it dynamically for testing (and to make it changeable later!)

  2. Next we specify the view: a View to show for each datum in the list. Define an XML layout resource for that (list_item is a good name and a common idiom).

    For simplicity’s sake we don’t need to specify a full Layout, just a basic TextView. Have the width match_parent and the height wrap_content. Don’t forget an id!

    <TextView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

    To make it look better, you can specify android:minHeight="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeight" (using the framework’s preferred height for lists), and some center_vertical gravity. The android:lines property is also useful if you need more space.

  3. Finally, we specify the controller: the ListView itself. Add that item to the Activity’s Layout resource (practice: what should its dimensions be?)

To finish the controller ListView, we ned to provide it with an Adapter14 which will connect the model to the view. The Adapter does the “translation” work between model and view, performing a mapping from data types (e.g., a String) and View types (e.g., a TextView).

Specifically, we will use an ArrayAdapter, which is one of the simplest Adapters to use (and because we have an array of data!) An ArrayAdapter creates Views by calling .toString() on each item in the array, and setting that String as the content of a TextView!

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
    R.layout.list_item_layout, R.layout.list_item_txtView, myStringArray);
  • Note the parameters of the constructor: a Context, the item layout resource, the TextView reource, and the data array. Also note that this instance utilizes generics, since we’re using an array of Strings (as opposed to an array of Dogs or some other type).

We acquire a reference to the ListView with findViewById(), and call ListView#setAdapter() to attach the adapter to that controller.

ListView listView = (ListView)findViewById(R.id.listview);

And that’s all that is needed to create a scrollable list of data!

Each item in this list is selectable (can have an onClick callback). This allows us to click on any item in order to (for example) view more details about the item. Utilize the AdapterView#setOnItemClickListener(OnItemClickListener) function to register the callback.

  • The postion parameter in the onItemClick() callback is the index of the item which was clicked. Use (Type)parent.getItemAtPosition(position) to access the data value associated with that View.

Additionally, each item does have an individual layout, so we can customize these appearances (e.g., if our layout also wanted to include pictures). See this tutorial for an example on making a custom adapter to fill in multiple Views with data from a list!

And remember, a GridView is basically the same thing (in fact, we can just change over that and have everything work, if we use polymorphism!)

4.3 Network Data

In the previous section we created a ListView utilizing an adapter to display a list of Strings. But Appendix C provides an implementation for fetching data from the Internet which gave us a list of Strings. Can we combine these? You betchya!

The lecture code provides a MovieDownloader class containing the exact same networking code utilized in the Appendix. We can then simply specify that the model String[] should be the result of the downloadMovieData() method, rather than manually created with a loop.

If you test this code, you’ll notice that it doesn’t work! The program will crash with a NetworkOnMainThreadException.

Android apps run by default on the Main Thread (also called the UI Thread). This thread is in charge of all user interactions—handling button presses, scrolls, drags, etc.—but also UI output like drawing and displaying text! See Android Threads for more details.

  • A thread is a piece of a program that is independently scheduled by the processor. Computers do exactly one thing at a time, but make it look like they are doing lots of tasks simultaneously by switching between them (i.e., between processes) really fast. Threads are a way that we can break up a single application or process into little “sub-process” that can be run simultaneously—by switching back and forth periodically so everyone has a chance to work

Within a single thread, all method calls are synchronous—that is, one has to finish before the next occurs. You can’t get to step 4 without finishing step 3. With an event-driven system like Android, each method call is fast enough that this isn’t a problem (you’re done handling one click by the time the next occurs). But long, drawn-out processes like network access (or processing bitmaps, or accessing a database), could cause other tasks to have to wait. It’s like a traffic jam!

  • Tasks such as network access are blocking method calls, which stop the Thread from continuing. A blocked Main Thread will lead to the infamous “Application not responding” (ANR) error!

Thus we need to move the network code off the Main Thread, onto a background thread, thereby allowing it to run without blocking the user interaction that occurs on the Main Thread. To do this, we will use a class called ASyncTask15 to perform a task (such as network access) asynchronously—without waiting for other Threads.

Learning Android Development involves knowing about what classes exist, and can be used to solve problems, but how were we able to learn about the existing of this highly useful (and specialized) ASyncTask class? We started from the official API Guide on Processes and Threads Guide16, which introduces this class! Thus to learn about new Android options, read the docs.

Note that an ASyncTask background thread will be tied to the lifecycle of the Activity: if we close the Activity, the network connection will die as well. A better but much more complex solution would be to use a Service—which is covered in a future lecture. But since this example just involves getting a small amount of data, we don’t really care if the network connection gets dropped.

ASyncTask can be fairly complicated, but is a good candidate to practice learning from the API documentation. Looking at that documentation, the first thing you should notice (or would if the API was a little more readable) is that ASyncTask is abstract, meaning you’ll need to subclass it in order to use it. Thus you can subclass it as an inner class inside the Activity that will use it (MovieDownloadTask is a good name).

You should also notice that ASyncTask is a generic class with three (3) generic parameters: the type of the Parameter to the task, the type of the Progress measurement reported by the task, and the type of the task’s Result. We can fill in what types of Parameter and Result we want from our asynchronous method (e.g., take in a String and return a String[]), and use the Void type for the Progress measurement (since we won’t be tracking that).

When we “run” an AsyncTask, it will do four (4) things, represented by four methods:

  1. onPreExecute() is called on the UI thread before we run the task. This method can be used to perform any setup for the task.
  2. doInBackground(Params...) is called on the background thread to do the work we want to be performed asynchronously. We must override this method (it’s abstract!) The params and return type for the method need to match the ASyncTask generic types.
  3. onProgressUpdate() can be indirectly called on the UI thread if we want to update our progress (e.g., update a progress bar). Note that UI changes can only be made on the UI thread!
  4. onPostExecute(Result) is called on the UI thread to process any task results, which are passed as parameters to this method when doInBackground is finished.

The doInBackground() is what occurs on the background thread (and is the heart of the task), so we put our network accessing method call in there.

We can then instantiate a new ASyncTask object in the Activity’s onCreate() callback, and call ASyncTask#execute(params) to start the task running on its own thread.

If you test this code, you’ll notice that it still doesn’t work! The program will crash with a SecurityException.

As a security feature, Android apps by default have very limited access to the overall operating system (e.g., to do anything other than show a layout). An app can’t use the Internet (which might consume people’s data plans!) without explicit permission from the user. This permission is given by the user at install time.

In order to get permission, the app needs to ask for it (“Mother may I…”). We do that by declaring that the app uses the Internet in the Manifest.xml file (which has all the details of our app!)

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<!-- put this ABOVE the <application> tag -->

Note that Marshmallow introduced a new security model in which users grant permissions at run-time, not install time, and can revoke permissions whenever they want. To handle this, you need to add code to request “dangerous” permissions (like Location, Phone, or SMS access; Internet is not dangerous) each time you use it.

  • For “normal” permissions (e.g., Internet), you declare the permission need in the Manifest.
  • For “dangerous” permissions (e.g., Location), you declare the permission need in the Manifest and request permission programmatically in code each time you want to use it.

Once we’ve requested permission (and have been granted that permission by virtue of the user installing our application), we can finally connect to the Internet to download data. We can log out the request results to provide it.

In order to get the downloaded data into a ListView, we utilize the doPostExecute() method. This method is run on the UI Thread so we can use it to update the View (we can only change the View on the UI Thread, to avoid collisions). It also gets the results returned by doInBackground() passed to it!

We take that passed in String[] and put that into the ListView. Specifically, we feed it into the Adapter, which then works to populate the views.

  • First clear out any previous data items in the adapter using adapter.clear().
  • Then use adapter.add() or (adapter.addAll()) to add each of the new data items to the Adapter’s model.
  • You can call notifyDataSetChanged() on the Adapter to make sure that the View knows the data has changed, but this method is already called by the .add() method so isn’t necessary in this situation.

To finalize the app: we can enable the user to search for different movies by copying the EditText and Button Views from the previous input_layout resource, accessing the text from the former when the later is pressed. We can then pass the EditText content String into the ASyncTask#execute() function (since we’ve declared that the generic ASyncTask takes that type as the first Parameter).

  • We can actually pass in multiple String arguments using the String... params spread operator syntax (representing an arbitrary number of items of that type). See here for details. The value that the ASyncTask methods actually get is an array of the arguments.

In the end, we are able to downlod data from the Internet and show an interactive list of that data in the app! We’ve done a whirl-wind tour of Android in this process: Layouts in the XML, Adapters in the Activity, Threading in a new class, Security in the Manifest… bringing lots of parts together to provide a particular piece of functionality.