Lecture 16 Databases and Providers

This lecture provides an in-depth discussion of working with Databases and Content Providers in Android. Accessing Content Providers (via a Loader) was discussed in a previous lecture. This lecture will instead talk about how to make your own database and a provider for it.

Databases are appropriate when you want to store data locally on the device (e.g., not on the cloud, which may require expensive network transactions as well as user accounts), but that data has greater scale or complexity than is appropriate for a SharedPreferences XML file—that is, you need to store more than just key-value pairs.

This lecture references code found at https://github.com/info448-s17/lecture17-databases.

Note that the intial version of this program accesses the device’s User Dictionary, which is only available to on API 22 (Lollipop) or earlier. The tutorial does support all versions of Android.

16.1 Review: Providers and Loaders

As discussed previously, a Content Provider is an abstraction for a source of structured data (like a database, but also possibly files, internet resources, etc). It acts as an interface for interacting with that data, supporting the developing in reading, adding to, updating, or deleting data from the source (e.g., the basic CRUD operations).

The lecture reference code demonstrates again how to access and modify structured data—specifically the User Dictionary—via a Content Provider using a Loader. You can read this example to review how to utilize an existing Provider:

  • The application displays a ListView, which is backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter. This adapter takes a “cursor” (think: a “pointer” or an Iterator—also a list of data that has been loaded into memory) and connects each item to a View on the screen. This View shows the word (WORD) and the “frequency”/prominence (FREQUENCY) of that word.

  • In order to get this list of items into memory from data store itself (to perform the read operation), we set up a Loader. The Loader fetches 3 “columns” (attributes) from the data store: _ID, WORD, and FREQUENCY; the _ID field is not shown on the View, but the Loader needs that to keep track of the displayed items). We do not utilize any selection or sorting criteria, though we could add them in if we wanted.

    The loader fetches (queries) data from the data store to load it into memory. It then tells the Adapter to take that loaded data and display it in the View. By using a Loader for this process, we gain two benefits: (1) the data is loaded into memory on a background thread (not the UI Thread), and (2) the data is automatically reloaded when the data store’s content changes.

  • The example also supports the create operation: by clicking the “Add Word” button, we can insert a new entry into the data store represented by the Content Provider. We construct a ContentValues object (similar to a Bundle, but for Content Providers) that contains the attribute values for the new provider entry. We then use the ContentResolver to insert() this item into the Provider (indicated by its URI).

  • Finally, the example supports the update operation: by clicking the on an item in the list, we can update that entry in the data store (increasing the word’s frequency). We get the Cursor containing the items from the AdapterView, with the “pointer” of that iterator set to the item that was clicked on. We then again use the ContentResolver to update() the item with the a ContentValues bundle of the fields we wish to change.

    • Note that we make sure to update only that particular item by specifying the URI of that item. We do this by constructing a new URI representing/identifying that item, effectively by appending "/:id" to the URI. This means that we don’t need to use the selection criteria (though we could do that as well).

To review: the Content Provider acts as the data store, abstracting information at some location (e.g., in a database). The Loader grabs a bunch of rows and columns from that database, and hands it to the Adapter. The Adapter takes a subset of those rows and columns and puts them in the ListView so that they display to the user. User interaction allows us to add or modify the data in that database.

16.2 SQLite Databases

Content Providers can abstract all kinds of data stores (files, urls, etc.). They abstract these as a structured information similar to a database… and in fact the most common kind of store they represent is a relational database (specifically, an SQLite database). Android comes with an API for creating an querying a database; these databases are stored on internal storage meaning that each application can have its own private database (or multiple databases, in fact)!

If you have worked with SQL or another relational database system (e.g., in the iSchool’s INFO 340 course), this interaction will seem familiar. If you’ve never worked with a database, the simplest explanation is to think of them as a spreadsheet (like in an Excel file) where you manipulate rows of data given a set of pre-defined columns. SQL (Structured Query Language) is its own command language for working with these spreadsheets; we’ll see some samples of those queries in this lecture. SQLite is a “flavor” (version) of SQL; the full SQLite spec can be found here. A short tutorial (borrowed from Google) is also available in the code repository.

In this lecture, we will build our own database of words (separate from the User Dictionary—and so which will work on API 23+) that we can access through a Content Provider. We will simply change which “data store” is being accessed; the rest of the application’s interface will remain the same. This will let us demonstrate how to put together a Content Provider from scratch. We will start by setting up the database, and then implementing the ContentProvider that abstracts it.

  • Setting up a database is somewhat wordy and round-about, though it does not involve many new concepts.

The step to effectively utilizing a database in Android is to create a class (e.g., WordDatabase) to act as a “namespace” for the various pieces of our database. This class will not be instantiated (and so could even have a private default constructor).

The WordDatabase class will contain a number of constants:

  • DATABASE_NAME to refer to the name of the database file stored on the device (e.g., words.db)
  • DATABASE_VERSION to refer to the current version number of our database’s schema. This is used more for supporting migrations like if we want to update our database later.

We’re then going to specify constants that define the database’s schema or contract. This is so that other classes (e.g., the ContentProvider and the MainActivity) can refer to column names consistently without having to remember or even know the specific text we utilize in the database. This is similar to how we used the variable UserDictionary.Words.WORD rather than the String value "word". By convention, we define this schema as a separate static nested class (e.g., WordEntry), to keep things organized. This class contains the constants to hold the column names:

static class WordEntry implements BaseColumns {
     //class cannot be instantiated
     private WordEntry(){}

     public static final String TABLE_NAME = "words";
     public static final String COL_WORD = "word";
     public static final String COL_COUNT = "count";
  • The class implements BaseColumns, which lets it inherit a few framework specific constants for free—in particular, the _ID variable which Content Providers rely on the database to have.

  • We create a different nested class for each table in the database (sheet in a spreadsheet). This allows us to use Java-style namespacing (dot notation) to refer to different tables in a single database.

Once we have defined the schema, we are ready to create and work with the database. In order to help us do this, we’re going to use a class called SQLiteOpenHelper. This class offers a set of methods to help manage the database being created and upgraded (e.g., for migrations). Specifically, we will will subclass SQLiteOpenHelper, creating another nested class that represents the specific helper for our database.

The subclass has a constructor that takes in a Context, and then “passes up” the database name and version to the parent class.

public DatabaseHelper(Context context){
    super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

SQLiteOpenHelper also has two abstract methods (event callbacks) that we need to implemet: what happens when the database is created, and what happens when the database is upgraded.

When the database is first created, we’ll need to actually create the table to hold our words. This involves sending it an SQL command to create the table! We’ll write this out as yet another constant for readability.

private static final String CREATE_TASKS_TABLE =
    "CREATE TABLE " + WordEntry.TABLE_NAME + "(" +
        WordEntry._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" + ", "+
        WordEntry.COL_WORD + " TEXT" + ","+
        WordEntry.COL_COUNT + " INTEGER" +

private static final String DROP_TASKS_TABLE =
  • We can do the same for dropping (deleting) the table as well.
  • This is the only SQL we will write in this tutorial.

We can run these SQL statements by using the execSQL() method, called on the SQLiteDatabase object that is passed to these callbacks. Note that this runs a “raw” SQL query (that doesn’t return anything, so not SELECT), without any kind of checks against SQL injection attacks. But since we’re hard-coding the information to run, it’s not a problem. Aside from this situation, you should never use this method.

  • We can also use the insert() method to add some sample words to the database (similar to how we used the Content Provider), for clarity when testing:

    ContentValues sample1 = new ContentValues();
    sample1.put(WordEntry.COL_WORD, "Embiggen");
    sample1.put(WordEntry.COL_COUNT, 0);
    db.insert(WordEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, sample1);
  • In the onUpdate() callback, we’ll just “drop” the table and recreate it (by calling onCreate()).

If we want to interact with this database in MainActivity, we can initialize the DatabaseHelper object (which will create the database if needed) and then use that helper to fetch the database we want to query (using getReadableDatabase()).

  • Note that querying a database could take a long time, and so we should not be doing it on the UI Thread… this example is simply for testing.

We can check that our database is set up correctly in one of two ways:

  • We can directly explore the SQLite database that is on your device by using adb and the sqlite3 tool. See this link for more details.

    $ adb -s emulator-5554 shell
    # sqlite3 /data/data/edu.uw.package.name/databases/words.db
    # sqlite> select * from words;
    # sqlite> .exit
  • We can call a query() method on our SQLiteDatabase, and log out the results. A SQLiteQueryBuilder can offer some help if our query was going to be complex (e.g,. with JOIN):

    SQLiteQueryBuilder builder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();
    builder.setTables(WordDatabase.WordEntry.TABLE_NAME); //set the table to use
    Cursor results = builder.query(
            new String[] {WordDatabase.WordEntry.COL_WORD, WordDatabase.WordEntry.COL_COUNT},
            null, null, null, null, null); //5 nulls!
    while(results.moveToNext()) {
        String word = results.getString(results.getColumnIndexOrThrow(WordDatabase.WordEntry.COL_WORD));
        int freq = results.getInt(results.getColumnIndexOrThrow(WordDatabase.WordEntry.COL_COUNT));
        Log.v(TAG, "'"+word+"' ("+freq+")");
    • This is the exact same Cursor processing work used when logging out the clicked item, but using our column names instead!
    • We could even remove the Loader call and just pass in this query directly to the Adapter, if we wanted to display our database in the list.

Voila, we have a database that we can call methods on to access!

16.3 Implementing ContentProvider

We don’t want to do this database creation and querying on the main thread (because it may take a while). And since we also want to easily let our ListView update when the database changes, we we like to be able to use a Loader to access this database. In order to use a Loader, we need to wrap the database in a ContentProvider.

There are a lot of steps and a lot of code involved inmaking a ContentProvider, and most of them are “boilerplate” for most databases. So much so that there is thorough example code in the Google documentation, which you can copy-and-paste from as needed.

We’ll start by creating another class that extends ContentProvider (can you understand why?). Since this will have a lot of abstract methods we’ll need to fill in, so we can actually use one of Android Studio’s generators via New > Other > Content Provider to help us along (I normally say not to use these, but with the ContentProvider it’s not too messy).

We will have to specify an authority for the Provider. This acts as a unique, Android-internal “name” for the database (to indicate which it is, or who “owns” it). This is the “name” by which others will be able to refer to our particular Provider. This is thus sort of like a package name—and in fact, we usually use the package name with an extra .provider attached as the authority name.

Also notice that an entry for this <provider> has been added to the Manifest, including the authority name. android:enabled means the Provider can be instantiated, and android:exported means it is available to other applications.

16.3.1 URIs and Types

The most important piece of a ContentProvider (that makes it more than just helper methods for a database) is how it can be accessed at a particular URI. So the first thing we need to do is specify this URI for our provider.

  • We’ll actually want to specify multiple URIs. This is because each piece of content we provide (each record in the database!) is itself a distinct resource, and thus should have its own URI. Thus we need to design a schema for the URIs so that we know how to refer to each kind of content offered by our provider.

Designing a URI schema is like designing a URL structure for a website; this will feel familiar to specifying routes for a web application.

The most common URI approach for Content Providers is to give each resource we provide a URI of the format:

  • This URI indicates that it is a identifier for a particular provider (the authority), which has a particular resource type (think: which database table of information), which may have a particular resource id (think: the ID of the record in the table)
  • Leaving off the id would refer to the entire table, or rather the “list” of resources. So really we have two different “categories” of URIs: the whole list, and an individual resource within that list. Both have the same “base”, but will need to be handled slightly differently.
  • See designing content URIs for more discussion on how to structure these.

We will define these URIs piece-wise using constants (of course). One for the authority, one for the resource type (which happens to be the name of the database table, but doesn’t need to be), and finally the overall Content URI (parsed into a Uri object):

public static final Uri CONTENT_URI =
    Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/"+WORD_RESOURCE);

But we also need to handle both types of resources: the “list” of words, and the individual words themselves. To enable this, we’re going to use a class called a UriMatcher. This class provides a mapping between URIs and the actual “type” of data we’re interested in (either lists or word objects). This will help us do “routing” work, without needing to parse the path of the URI ourselves.

  • We’ll represent the “type” or “kind” with int constants, allwoing us to easily refer to “which” kind of resource we’re talking about.

    //integer values representing each supported resource Uri
    private static final int WORD_LIST_URI = 1; // /words
    private static final int WORD_SINGLE_URI = 2;// /words/:id
    • So if you give me a /words URI, I can tell you that you’re interested in “resource kind #1”

We want to make a a static UriMatcher object (like a constant) that we can use to do the mapping… but because it takes more than one line to set this up (we add an entry for each mapping), we need to put it inside a static block so that all this code is run together:

private static final UriMatcher sUriMatcher; //for handling Uri requests
static {
    //setup mapping between URIs and IDs
    sUriMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH);
  • Note the wildcard #, meaning “any number” (after the slash) will “match” this URI.

We can then figure out which “kind” of task by using the UriMatcher#match(uri) method, which will return the “kind” int that matches the given Uri.

As an example of this, let’s fill in the getType() method. The purpose of this method is to allow the ContentProvider to let whoever queries it know the MIME Type (media type) of the resource a URI is accessing. This lets the program specify whether the content provided by the Content Provider is an image, text, music, or some other type.

  • The type we’re going to give back is a Cursor (list of rows in a table), so we’ll specify MIME Types for that:

    public String getType(Uri uri) {
            case WORD_LIST_URI:
                return "vnd.android.cursor.dir/"+AUTHORITY+"."+WORD_RESOURCE;
            case WORD_SINGLE_URI:
                return "vnd.android.cursor.item/"+AUTHORITY+"."+WORD_RESOURCE;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URI "+uri);
    • vnd stands for “vendor specific”—in this case, a format specific to Android.

16.3.2 Query Methods

Once all of the URIs are specified, we can start responding to requests for content at those URIs. Specifically, when a request for content at a URI comes in, we’re going to fetch data from the database we made earlier and then return that data. We handle these “requests” through 4 different methods: query(), insert(), update(), and delete() (mirroring the CRUD operations, drawing on standard SQL query names). We will fill in those methods to have them fetch and return the database data.

First, we need to get access to the database (through a helper), just as we did in the MainActivity. We’ll instantiate the DatabaseHelper in the ContentProvider#onCreate() callback, saving that helper as an instance variable to reference later. Then in the CRUD methods (which will be executed in a background thread), we can call getWriteableDatabase() to get access to that database.

We will start with implementing the query() method. Basically, we need to do the same query we used in MainActivity—though can pass in the extra query parameters (e.g., projection, selection, sortOrder) instead of always having them be null or defined manually.

However, we also need to be able to handle both types of resources that our Provider serves (lists or single words). We can use the UriMatcher to determine how to adjust our query: for example, by using the UriBuilder#appendWhere() method to add a “selection” argument:

    case WORD_LIST_URI: //all words
      break; //no change
    case WORD_SINGLE_URI: //single word
      builder.appendWhere(WordDatabase.WordEntry._ID + "=" + uri.getLastPathSegment()); //restrict to that item
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URI "+uri);

We’ll then just return the Cursor that we get as a result of the query.

But there is also one more piece. We want to make sure that the Loader that is reading from our Content Provider (that loaded this Cursor object) is notified of any changes to the results of its query. This will allow the Loader to “automatically” query for new content if any of the data at that URI changes.

cursor.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri);

With this step in place, we can go back to our MainActivity and swap all the column names and URIs for our own custom WordProvider! Rerun the app… and voila, we see our own list of words!

We can do basically the same thing to support insert() and update() to enable all of our use cases.

  • Use the UriMatcher to make to only respond to proper Uris—you can’t insert into a single record, and you can’t update the entire list.

    if(sUriMatcher.match(uri) != WORD_LIST_URI) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URI "+uri);
  • For insert(), it is also possible to make sure that no “empty” entries are added to the database, and to return the result if the insertion is successful:

      values.put(WordDatabase.WordEntry.COL_WORD, "");
        values.put(WordDatabase.WordEntry.COL_COUNT, 0);
    long rowId = db.insert(WordDatabase.WordEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, values);
    if (rowId > 0) { //if successful
        Uri wordUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(CONTENT_URI, rowId);
        getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(wordUri, null);
        return wordUri; //return the URI for the entry
    throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri);
  • The update() method can be somewhat awkward because we need to basically add our id restriction to the user-given selection args:

    int count;
    switch (sUriMatcher.match(uri)) {
      case WORD_LIST_URI:
        count = db.update(WordDatabase.WordEntry.TABLE_NAME, values, selection, selectionArgs); //just pass in params
      case WORD_SINGLE_URI:
        String wordId = uri.getLastPathSegment();
        count = db.update(WordDatabase.WordEntry.TABLE_NAME, values, WordDatabase.WordEntry._ID + "=" + wordId //select by id
              + (!TextUtils.isEmpty(selection) ? " AND (" + selection + ')' : ""), selectionArgs); //apply params
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URI " + uri);
    if (count > 0) {
      getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);
      return count;
    throw new SQLException("Failed to update row " + uri);

But in the end, we have a working ContentProvider that supports the same behaviors as the built in User Dictionary (well, except for delete()). We can now store data in our own database and easily access it off the UI Thread for use in things like ListViews. This is great for if you want to track and store any kind of structured information in your apps.